Register to Sell Your Items at Just Like New!
Signing up to sell your items has never been easier with our online registration system. Just use one of the links below to register…
New Consignors
This link is for you if you have NEVER consigned with Just Like New before, and we have never given you a consignor number.
Returning Consignors
You need to let us know you are planning to consign in our upcoming sale by logging into our automated system and indicating that you plan to consign. Your user id is your consignor id from past sales, and will NEVER change for either sale, they will both be the same. You can change your password, email, phone number, or address at anytime by signing in and choosing the ‘Update My Account’ link on the main control panel. If you have forgotten your password, there is also a link on the login screen you can use, and we will automatically email your information. JLN Consignors can earn anywhere from 60% to 72% of their asking price for their items based on how many JLN Team Members shifts they have signed up for. Please note that a $25.00 participation fee will be deducted from each sellers check.