Accepted Items…
- Some examples of items we accept: Children’s Clothing (infant thru junior sizes, adult clothing and maternity clothing), Toys, Baby Equipment (must be thoroughly cleaned), Baby Furniture, Strollers, High Chairs, Shoes (in excellent condition), books, DVDs & more…Only Spring and Summer Items will be accepted for the Spring/Summer Sale and vice versa, only Fall and Winter Items will be accepted for the Fall/Winter Sale.
- Clothing items are limited to 150 pieces. (swimsuits, dance wear, and Halloween costumes do not count towards the clothing limit) A multiple piece outfit priced together is considered one item. When tagging online there is NO flag that pops up warning of your limit. This is up to you to keep track. Bring us your best! NOTE: There is NO limit on non-clothing items; toys, equipment, etc.
- Halloween Costumes accepted during the fall show only (Does NOT count towards your 150 item limit)
- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine’s items will only be accepted for the Fall & Winter Sale events.
- St. Patrick’s, Easter, and Spring & Summer decor will be accepted for the Spring & Summer Sale events.
- Swimwear accepted during the spring show only
- Blue Jeans are accepted at ALL shows
- Dance wear accepted at ALL shows
- All merchandise should be in GREAT condition, pressed, and neatly hung on hangers.
- If an item has holes, stains, missing buttons or non-functioning parts, please do NOT bring it!
- Consignors MUST carefully review The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) website within one week of the sale, to ensure that the items consigned are NOT recalled or in anyway in violation of current CPSC guidance. Additionally follow the SAFE KIDS link below to find an excellent summary of additional information.
Car Seats MUST meet the following criteria to be accepted:
- Fill out one JLN Carseat Form for each seat brought to the show. This is a online “fill-able form” you can then print and bring with you.
- All seats MUST include the owners manual / instructions. Click Here for a list of car seat manuals.
- Car seat MUST NOT have been involved in a car accident.
- Must contain all parts NO EXCEPTIONS
- Must have been manufactured within the past 5 years (after 5 years straps are no longer guaranteed to hold up in the event of an accident)
- Car seats must be clean – NO STAINS
- All car seats will be inspected by certified South Central PA Highway Safety inspectors. Please do not be offended if they do not accept your seat. It is in our kids best interest! CLICK HERE for Car/Booster Seat Recalls.
Thank you for putting the safety of our children first and foremost!
Not Accepted…
- Absolutely no stuffed animals of any type
- No Drop side cribs or cribs manufactured after 2011
- Padded crib bumpers & Infant sleep positioners
- Infant bath tubs manufactured before October 2017
- VHS Tapes **New Restriction**
- CD’s
- Jewelry
- Breast Pumps
- Pacifiers
- No more than 10 (TEN) of the same item
- No bulk pallets or items
- Any crib, bassinet, or pac-n-play manufactured by Simplicity
- Stained or torn clothing
- Out-of-date clothing
- Any item with a poor quality JLN tag, or printed on plain paper
- Battery operated items without batteries (buyers must be assured the item works properly)
- Shoes that show signs of wear or that are stained
- Underwear & Undergarments
- Broken items or items with missing pieces
- “Fast Food Toys”
- DVDs & Computer Games must be operational & in their original cases
- Double, Queen, or King Mattresses
- Waterbeds
- Computers or related equipment
- Big Bertha TVs, VCR machines
- No Knives (including kitchen), GUNS, or weapons of any kind
- Large Electric Appliances
- LuLaRoe clothing items must be either NWT (New With Tags), or discounted without an NWT.
- NO Advertising items
- NO McDonald toys
- NO Adult bath soaps or lotions
- NO Adult personal care products
- No porcelain dolls.
- No Boyd Bears.
- No vases for flowers.
- Any items that have been recalled by the manufacturer
Household Items MUST meet the following criteria to be accepted:
- Furniture
- Home decor
- Area rugs
- Lamps
- Frames
- Bathroom decor
- Window treatment
- Linens
- Decorative pillows (limited 3 per consignor)
- Office furniture
- Patio furniture
- Outside storage bins
- DVD players
- LED, LCD, & Plasma TV’S
- Dishes & silverware & drinking cups
- Serving trays
- Pots & pans
- Sporting goods
- Candles ( must be new)
- Halloween & Thanksgiving, Valentine’s (Fall Sale)
- St. Patrick’s, Easter, and Spring & Summer decor (Spring Sale)
- Sporting Goods and apparel
- Books & DVDs must be marked for discount
- Limit to 1 Queen or King bedding per consignor
How To Prepare Your Tags…
We have implemented a very easy to use, online tagging system. This system makes tag preparation and inventory control a breeze!
Here are the steps you should follow to tag your items. Please follow them precisely. It’s sad to have to turn away items for improper tagging.
- There is a 20 Item minimum and a 150 item clothing limit, 15 household items, and unlimited pairs of shoes per consignor to participate in the JLN sales. There is NO limit on other types of items. Gather your items and arrange them in order by gender and size. Login to our online tagging system using your seller number and password. Click on the ‘Work With Consigned Inventory’ link on the lefthand side of your “Control Panel” and begin entering your items. (See example below) You will select a category and size, enter a complete description of the item, enter the price, select if you want the item donated if it does not sell, and select if the item should be discounted on the last day of our sale. All items are to be priced in .50 cent increments with a minimum price of $2.00 per item! Household items should start at a minimum price of $5 per item. When sizing your items, S, M, L, XL are only to be used for Maternity. Children’s clothes should be sized with number sizes, i.e 12 Months, 2T, 5 etc, not S, M, L. You can print your tags either a few at a time as you go along, or all at once at the end. Tags will print 6 to a page of cardstock. You MUST use only medium weight WHITE card stock for your tags. This heavier paper helps to keep the tag and the item together. Card stock can be purchased at any office supply store or stores such as Wal-Mart. Select one of the ‘Print Tags’ options from our online tagging system. You can Click here to do that now. Be sure to turn off any popup blocker you may have running. When you generate tags they pop up in a new window for easy printing. The quality of your tags directly effects your sales. If your printers toner/ink is running out, this may be the time to get a new cartridge. If you change ANY item information (price, donation, 1/2 price option etc.) AFTER printing a tag, or between seasons, a NEW tag will have to be printed.
- Each item that is marked for Donation will also be coded to be sold “Half Off” on Saturday and will display the “Helping Hand” on the lower left of the tag.
- The tags you print are fully filled out and barcoded. Just attach them to your items with a safety-pin, and you are done!
How to Determine Your Selling Price:
Position your tags on your items as pictured above.
Best Guideline: Take 25% of the original retail price and work up or down from there. This gives you a thinking range. If it is an item that is highly desirable like Abercrombie, Polo, Gymboree, Limited Too, etc. you can go up from the 25% of original value, considering the condition of the item. If it is an item that is still in good shape, but from Target, Wal-Mart, etc. you might need to stay around that price. Then, after determining this price, ask yourself, “Would I pay $xx for this?” or “Would I pay more than $xx for this?” If you would pay more, add to the price. The people who make the most money have quality items priced in the rage of $5.00 -$15.00. It really adds up quickly!!!
How To Attach Tags (Hanging Items)
All clothing must be on hangers with the hanger facing to the left as illustrated. Wal-Mart and Target often have 10 hangers for $1. We sell the items WITH the hangers. We prefer plastic hangers.
SAFETY PIN the tag to the right hand side of the garment when looking at the front. NO STRAIGHT PINS and no small gold pins!!
Tagging guns are also permitted.
To reduce check in time, have your items sorted by size and gender (rubber band or twist tie sizes together) prior to drop-off. This is NOT optional.
Anything that can go on a hanger will sell best this way. People shop the racks first! Two piece outfits sell best so match up single items if possible. Use only one hanger for two piece outfits. Hang the shirt first, then pin the pants, skirt or shorts to the back of the shirt at the shoulder seams with TWO safety pins. Do NOT pin second pieces inside of the shirt or jacket, they cannot be seen easily.
Use this same method for multiple items, such as, 3-4 onsies, 2-3 sleepers, 2 or more t-shirts, etc. Some sellers tend to fold and bag these types of items, however, the items will sell better if hung. Keep in mind that the minimum price is $2.00 so by grouping lower ticket items together, you will find it easier to reach the minimum price or higher. LIMIT 100 Clothing Items PER SELLER (This does not include coats, pajamas, and Halloween costumes.)
How To Attach Tags (Non-Hanging Items)
Toys – toys MUST include all parts. Any tiny, loose pieces can be packaged in a ziplock bag. Attach the bag to the main item with heavy packing tape. Also, tape the bags zipper to keep small hands out! Do Not bring items with missing parts. If a toy requires batteries to operate, they MUST be included for acceptance.
Books and Videos – MUST BE MARKED FOR DISCOUNT. Please do not use packing tape on books and videos, since it usually tears the covers. Make sure that videos work, and secure tag with two pieces of masking tape or put in ziplock bags. If packaging multiples together, please write all titles on the tag.
Shoes – Unlimited. Must be tied together in pairs by the shoelaces or through the eyes of the shoes. (the best thing to tie the shoes together with is curly ribbon) Pin the card to the shoelaces or the ribbon. DO NOT BOX or BAG shoes. Shoes and Laces must be in Excellent condition.
Loose Articles – Bibs, bottles, bows, sippy cups, smaller toys, etc. must be in clear ziplock bag with tag placed inside of the bag. Secure the bag closed with tape to keep “little hands” from getting in.
Household Items – Limit of 15 items per consignor, and has a $5 minimum value. Consigned items must be of good quality, gently used, great condition, odor free, clean, stain free, and free of animal hair. Free from any rips, tears and no broken frames. No water stains, deep gouges or major scratches on the primary finish, no broken or missing hardware. Doors and drawers must operate properly. Mechanical movements must operate properly. NO Advertising items of any kind.